Issue Position: A Plan of Action

Issue Position

By: Jim Hall
By: Jim Hall
Date: Jan. 1, 2013

To abolish war, end terrorism, and eliminate our weapons of mass destruction, we must build a world that neither wants nor needs the weapons of war.

The reason we can be optimistic we can do so is because our American and human rights principles of freedom, democracy, equality, justice, the rule of law, and care and concern for each other are universal human values. They are the aspirations of people around the globe.

We must take immediate and long-term actions to produce a just and peaceful world and to reduce and finally eliminate our weapons of mass annihilation.

These are the kinds of specific actions I think we must undertake:

That the United Nations convene a permanent conference, meeting annually, on the questions "How Can Weapons of Mass Annihilation Be Abolished? How Can We Build A World That Will Neither Want Nor Need The Weapons of War?" until such conference is no longer needed; and, that the day before the beginning of each annual session be a world-wide holiday for reflection and discussion on the means to achieve international peace and rid ourselves of the weapons of war.
That each of our governments immediately, unilaterally, and unconditionally:

Publish the types and numbers of weapons it possesses and the kinds of new weapons it is developing or researching;
Reduce the number of its nuclear warheads to no more than three hundred;
Reduce its stocks of poison gas, chemical, germ, nuclear and other weapons of mass death or incapacitation by at least 75%;
Where a signatory nation, honor existing international conventions and treaties restricting or controlling the development, possession, distribution or use of military arms and technologies; and, where not a signatory nation, work towards being able to agree to all such international accords;
Commit to the goal of a world-wide elimination of the weapons of annihilation by the year 2020;
Commit to making every reasonable effort to resolve international disputes peacefully;
Commit to the building of a global human community in which we can live together in genuine peace.
That we human beings and our governments enter into discourse with each other as to (i) expeditious ways to further reduce and eliminate weapons of annihilation, (ii) how to prevent the clandestine, irrational, accidental, mistaken, unauthorized, or terrorist use of such weapons until they are eliminated, and (iii) expanding and improving the ways by which we can peacefully resolve disputes and disagreements.

That we, the people of the Earth, and our agencies and governments, build a global human community that will enable us to live together in genuine peace and trust and without the weapons of war - and that is, therefore, an all-encompassing human society:

-- that respects the freedoms, rights and equality of individuals;

-- that provides for the basic needs of all persons for food, clothing, shelter, health care, and education;

-- that guarantees all individuals the opportunity of self-fulfillment;

-- in which we govern ourselves democratically by law - locally, nationally, and internationally;

-- that has trusted mechanisms to resolve conflicts peacefully;

-- that maintains a strong government of and for all humankind that embodies, advocates, and secures the foregoing conditions necessary for a just and peaceful world.
